
Life is just better with Friends!

HOW GREAT ARE FRIENDS?! Aaaaaaaaaaah! (That is a choir of angels singing a high A in unison - opera style - ....in case you were wondering).

Are friends not a complete gift from God? And He has sent me some truly great ones. How very blessed I am.

A few days after my divorce I turned to a scripture that read, "For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself." Romans 14:7. I felt it was the Lord's way of saying, "Ok Natalie, you're divorced...now go out there and make some friends." I hesitated, so instead he sent the friends to me. What a gratifying experience it has been, and my cup floweth over! The love that others have shown me is just one more way God has manifested His love for me.

I have three friends in my ward, in particular, who have reached out to me even when I don't want to be reached out to. I've had moments (many moments) where I just want to be alone, yet these women push past my not-so-subtle hints and continue to "pester" me until I hang out with them. :) Aren't we all grateful for friends like that?! I always leave happy, and grateful for their persistence.

Last month I had a horrible day, as I was preparing for Gracie's birthday photo-shoot. I was beyond overwhelmed, when one of these friends just "happened" to stop by to see if she could help me in any way. The next thing I knew, her husband was hemming Gracie's birthday dress (yes, her husband) and she was off to Walmart to buy cake supplies. (Anyone who's willing to go to Walmart on my behalf must truly love me)! She invited another friend over and we made a girl's night out of decorating Gracie's cake - ending in laughter and a great mood. Both she AND her husband were an answer to my prayers and I was in tears that night as I thanked the Lord for his tender mercies.

This is just ONE example! I could come up with, literally, hundreds more! Just today I had a playdate at the gateway with a friend I hadn't seen in months. She let me talk her ear off for hours, and I certainly got my feel of "adult time" in for the week. lol. It was EXACTLY what I needed!

On top of strengthening old friendships I've made many new "single" girlfriends as well - GREAT WOMEN - and am realizing that along this journey I am creating and rekindling bonding friendships that will last a lifetime. It is so rewarding.

Simply put: I am grateful for friends.
Friends who watch Gracie last minute, friends who invite me over to dinner when I have happened to have a horrible day, friends who give me their old baby supplies, friends who invite me to play games, watch a movie or go to breakfast, who insist I hang out when they know that deep down I'm lonely (even though I'll rarely admit it), friends who drop by just to say hi, friends who recommend an inspired book, friends who offer a listening ear and a comforting shoulder to cry on, friends who have the courage to act on their promptings regarding me, friends who stand as an example of righteousness, and friends who love me and refuse to judge me - despite my blaring faults.

It is so true - that "None of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself."


Lia said...

Hope you know you have others, not so close, who think of you, pray for you and are inspired by you. :)

Straley Family said...

Well said, I was feeling the exact same way about my friends before reading your blog.