
Carl's Jr. or 5 Guys? ...The fat truth

I haven't had a burger for six months, and I hadn't had a burger for a year before that. I don't really care for the greasy, fatty, low quality meat so unless I'm feeling really careless I can't bring myself to force one down.

Tuesday I felt like a burger. Weird. I ignored it, but it came back again. And again. I wasn't feeling particularly kind to myself, so I gave in and went to Carl's Junior to indulge in a jalapeno burger. It didn't stand a chance. I was considering getting another when I asked myself, "Which is better? Carl's Jr. or 5 Guys?" It only made sense to go to 5 Guys to find out.

After wolfing down both burgers, I can say in confidence that Carl's Jr takes my vote. I know 5 Guys is the fresh, real deal... but the melded flavors of Carl's Jr. can't be beat. (And IN-N-OUT is simply overrated so don't even bring them up). This is quite humbling to admit, as I loathe the sexual commercials by Carl's Jr ... but a good burger is a good burger.

2 days later I am still beyond sick! SICK I SAY! My tummy aches and I'm on the verge of puking every couple minutes. It didn't help that I also ate McDonalds and Chili's that day. How can anyone actually function on fast food!? My body hates me and I can't wait for tomorrow, in hopes that I'll finally feel better.


Moral of the story: For every action there is a reaction. Indulge in gluttony and deal with the consequences. Treat your body right and reap the reward. I love how this unchanging principle applies to all things in life and, though we may put off the consequences, they can never be escaped. I thrive off the quest for perfection, and the burger fiasco was a not-so-gentle reminder that choosing otherwise is simply NOT worth it.

Now excuse me while I go run 8 miles.


Stevenson Family said...

Funny. You should read my last post ABOUT Carls Jr. I've had a bit of correspondence with them recently. ;)

RS Presidency said...

Dave is dying to try 5 Guys... I'll have to tell him to just stick with Carl's Jr!

RS Presidency said...

LOL, Sorry, it's Jami, not the RS Presidency! I started a blog for my ward and our comments name is that. I never logged out, still haven't. Sorry again!!!

shirley Harris said...

nat you are so funny ... I love ya...Yeah, stick to vegies and fruits...youll never regret it..ha:)

Lia said...

8 miles!! Woot Woot! That should take care of the calories from at least half of one burger!! Sometimes you just have days like that though. I'm a burger girl, love them, but only allow them every once in a while. Haven't been to Carl's Jr. for years.....hmmm maybe tomorrow!

Taylor's said...

Can I tell you doing the 6 week body makeover . . . I was dying for Cafe Rio . . . next day pay bad for that mistake! My body hated me!

I know how you feel.

I need to get back on that diet - I was feeling good inside and out - hmmmm food for thought (at least for me)

BreAnna said...

Ugg don't you hate it, I do things like this all the time and think afterwards "why did I want do eat that?" I think your kitchen is going to be fantastic, I love the white and think it is just the fresh start your kitchen needs to go with your fresh start!

ps I know you took it down but I thought that poem was really beautiful.

Kathrin Paul said...

Dear Natalie,
Remember me? I'm in your ward. I know you remember, we're almost sisters. Just happened upon your blog. . .not creepy. . .And I'm impressed. Very impressed. You've got some serious writing chops. Write a book, I'd read it.
PS everything on your blog is disgustingly cute. In a good way. And I remember you wearing that ridiculously cute white lace-y eye-let-y shirt at the RS thing and thinking it was fantastic. And I noticed those great earrings on Sunday. I do sound creepy. Don't be mad.
I think that's all.

Brad and Emily said...

I love reading your blog you always have something interesting or funny to say. I wish I was that creative.