
Just for me.

I wasn't gonna tell anyone, but I can't keep it a secret any longer. I'm pretty sure this year's LDS Church lesson schedule was developed directly around me. That's right! Call me narcissistic, but it is what it is. (And you thought you'd be getting a juicy secret. lol Don't worry - I have a few of those too. All in due time my friends, all in due time).

Every Sunday I leave church not only edified, but in complete awe at the lessons given and their poignant relevance in my life. Be it Sunday School or Relief Society, the topic is one that I had either been pondering all week or struggling with all week. Coincidence? Albert Einstein said, "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." ... Einstein was a smart man.

And so it is with great anticipation that I look forward to this weekend. The LDS general conference weekend happens twice a year, and always leaves me spiritually obese. (Haha. I had to say it). I remember basking in general conference last October while in the thick of my divorce, confused and scared. Those messages pulled me through, and I'm hoping these messages will push me forward. A little nudge is always appreciated.

If Sunday lessons speak to my soul, imagine the strength to be found in the words of the Prophet and the Lord's disciples. I can't wait to hear what He has in store for me! I am SO GRATEFUL for the gospel and the strength found therein.

The original church of Jesus Christ has truly been restored to this earth
, and I am eternally grateful to be a part of it. Learn more about it by clicking here.


Amanda said...

AMen to that! I LOVE conference and have been really looking forward to it!

Laura said...

If the lessons were written for you, then the Ensign was just for me! Seriously! How is it possible that every article applies just to me?

Glad you are finding the inspiration and insight you need. Isn't it great to be a member of His true church?