
He's impressivly persistent

Am I the only one who thinks a marriage proposal over email is weird? It doesn't count... right? And to nullify it further, he and I haven't spoken in years, nor have I heard from him since I was a child. Suddenly he wants to get married!

I politely declined, informing him that I was dating someone and very happy. (It was true).

Today I get a call from an unknown number. I decide to brave it, so I answer. "Natalie? This is 'Bob,' I sent you an email awhile ago?" "Yes, yes. Hi Bob! How have you been?" "Good, good. (small talk and blah blah blah). I was just wondering. If I had a good paying job and a big house, would you marry me then?"


"No, Bob. I'm sorry. I wouldn't." "If you marry me, I will cook for you every night, and do all the cleaning."


"Thank you, but I'm just not interested." "Do you think if I came up there (He's from out of State) that we could date a little?" "No. I'm sorry." "Well. What can I do to make you love me?"

2 minutes later I politely got off the phone. Poor guy.

I call my mom, appalled at the nerve! As she was laughing, my brother called. "Did you give Bob my number?" I asked. "Bob? Bob who." A few minutes later it rang a bell. No. No he didn't give Bob my number. I told him what had happened, and he got a good laugh out of it. As we were talking Bob called twice. Persistent. I ignored him. We hung up and a few minutes later my brother called again, "Hey! I know what you should say next time Bob calls!" He started into some funny remarks, when my phone beeped AGAIN. It was Bob. ... AGAIN!

"I better get this. It's Bob and he's not gonna leave me alone, until I tell him to." I switched over. "Hello?" I said, overtly irritated. "It's still me," replied my brother. The swap must not have gone through. I looked at my phone to try again, only to see that it HAD gone through... and I WAS talking to "Bob."

My brother and I died laughing, as it all began to add up.

Weeks prior mom had told him about the email proposal (which was not a prank) and my brother immediately began scheming a prank call. Since I haven't heard Bob's voice in over 10 years, my brother figured I would be none the wiser... and he was right. He called from a different number, disguised his voice and, the best part is mom was listening on the other line, laughing hysterically while on mute.


Josh and Anna said...

That's awesome!! I can just see you trying to politely decline Bob's proposal! I'll have to keep this idea in mind for April Fools next year:)

Unknown said...

Which brother did this to you?
That's hilarious!

Cordie said...

That is sooo funny!

Natalie said...

Tyler. :) His forethought was most impressive. lol

Shae said...

that is too funny! oh my gosh...i'm still laughing!!!!

Kathrin Paul said...

So so funny!!

Harris said...

That is so funny! Your mom was telling me the other day we couldn't stop laughing!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That's hilarious! Wow - you've got a smart brother! I wish I could prank my family like that! =D Too funny about the email!

Amy said...

Don't you love family? I'm glad my brother's haven't come up with this one. Yet.

And you know what, I've gotten a marriage proposal over email, too. And yes, it is weird.

Gotta love the dating scene, huh?

Catherine said...

Oh, it isn't nearly as funny without the 'mexican accent'. I'm so glad I was perched on your couch for that one... oh - that was just to die for! (We still laugh about it to.)

Straley Family said...

That's terrible! I would kill my brother! It makes for a good story though. I actually did laugh out loud.

Lia said...

Absolutely Hysterical!! Would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that one.

shirley Harris said...

ok, what more can I say.....it was pretty much the FUNNIEST day of my entire life...thank goodness for mute!!! THanks for being a good sport...we all know that laughter is the BEST medicine!!! Tyler did the same thing to me but disguised his voice, telling me I won a "car" drawing...I "bit hook, line and sinker",.... did I ever feel stupid!!!...but laughed good and hard myself....IT keeps us young, I guess!! :).

Taylor's said...

You've got to love family!

Harris said...
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Harris said...

Props to my hubby! When he first started telling me the story we were at the dentist he started the story when he sat down and says " Part one... there is this email..." Then he made me wait till after his dental apt and after we got to dinner for part two. Ah it was just to awesome! Glad you were such a good sport!