
Top of Utah... Top of endurance

Last December I committed to run a marathon in 2010, and it almost got away from me, had it not been for my cousin Kara giving me a little nudge. I finally signed up last month, and ran it this weekend! It was short notice and inadequate training, but I knew with winter around the corner if I didn't do "Top of Utah" I wouldn't meet my goal this year.

I was surprised with the anxiety proceeding the race, and almost dropped out a week prior in fear of injuring myself. Instead I decided to pamper myself along the way by running at an easy pace with plenty of Gatorade, Gu and walking every two miles. I had to stop 5 times over the last 6 miles (potty-breaks), but I can say I "endured to the end," and finished strong - my last mile ran in less than 8 minutes. Overall I'm pleased. My goal was to simply finish, and 4:45 would have left me content, so I was surprised to do it in 4:10! Now I know what to expect for next year, and running it in under 4 hours is the goal. It was both scenic and spiritual, the first 13 miles through a canyon of beautiful changing fall colors.

Most of all, I was incredibly touched by the support I received from friends and family. I saw my cousins at the start line and had dinner with them the night before! I stayed the night with my friend Liz, who rode up with me and ran the race as well - giving me support and encouragment. My parents were there, cheering me on along with my sister Makenzie and, of course, my little Gracie! Jessica and her husband surprised me, as did the wonderful man I had been dating. He was at the finish line with amazing flowers, motivating me to give the final quarter mile my all. I'm so glad I did! My body aches and my legs are weak... but what an amazing experience! Hopefully the first of many.


Shae said...

awesome! i am very impressed!

Harris said...

wow Nat! way to go! what a party for the fam to be able to come out and support you! You look great! Way to put your mind to something and do it! Wish we could have been there to cheer you on!

Kathrin Paul said...

Yay YOU!!!!

Unknown said...

Those are so adorable pics! Way to go!

Amy said...

Congratulations! It's such a wonderful feeling to push through and accomplish such a huge goal! I especially love the photo of you hugging your baby at the finish line. I know how many times thoughts of my kiddo have pushed me through some physically hard moments. I think it's an amazing gift that you are giving your daughter- the example that her mom is healthy, and goal oriented, and it's good for her to know that, like you, she can do hard things.

You are awesome. Seriously.

shirley Harris said...

Soooooooo proud of ya, my Natty....you were amazing that day, and hardly winded, just smiling!!!! Life is a marathon and we all just have to push forward with a smile on our face. Good job!!!! Love ya tons!!! mom

Anonymous said...

I didn't even get a chance to ask you how it went, but I was thinking about you all day Saturday! You really are awesome - I couldn't have done it! I need some of your ambition! Way to go! Love the pictures!

Lia said...

Excellent work!! You're definitely a fast cookie! So truly happy for you.

Taylor's said...

marathons are the best "cleansing" ever! You think tons - dream a lot, and learn tons about yourself (at least I did)!

Congratulations again - I could not be more proud!