
Changing colors

I was out running last week, when my eye caught the first colors of Fall along my path. The sun was just beginning to set, and the scene was simply breathtaking. It was the only tree within 5 miles to have changed in color - and it couldn't have been in a better location. I had my phone with me so I took a quick picture and relished in the moment.

Can anyone wonder why I love running this path? Beautiful, right?!

Though I would enjoy a steady 70 degrees year-round... each season brings its own kind of beauty and a new appreciation. Regardless of what I do, seasons will come and go in the very order they were meant to. I'm certain my next run will be lined with red trees and, not too long from now, snow. Until that first snowflake arrives, I plan to enjoy theses changing leaves.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

What a great picture! You should blow it up and frame it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that guy who came out to see you at the finish line seems like the sweetest guy ever. I wish more men were like him. Not only does he show up unexpectedly, but he was thoughtful enough to bring you a wonderful, wonderful arrangement of fresh cut flowers.

Guys like that don't come around often. Get your hooks into him and hold on for dear life!