
Remember the "cool" guy, who still thinks he's cool?

I just got a text from a friend: "Lake Powell! 3 helicopters, 30 wakeboats, 6 houseboats and 1 floating dance floor! You're missing out!" Yeah. That sounds like a ton of fun. Dirty dancing? Check. Alcohol? Check. 30 year old frat boys dunking girls under water and sneaking up on them with scary insects? Check. Wait a minute... what am I missing out on again? Oh yeah. A group of 300 doinks looking for a weekend hookup. No thanks.

Either I'm a big fat stick in the mud, or I've matured slightly over the last 10 years - but I'm appalled over the single's world, and lack of decent people my age. What I've discovered, instead, are a bunch of 30 year old frat boys and moms gone wild. Don't get me wrong, I have my share of faults - but if you're a mom, you gave up your chance to party. Get home and be a mom. If a man thinks it's funny to put down the woman sitting next to him, he's not a man. And the woman who continues sitting next to him is not much of a woman - have some self-respect! If you need alcohol to have a good time, you lack intelligence. If you need big toys to impress your friends, well, you probably lack more than just intelligence, if ya know what I'm sayin'. College is over and high school has long passed. Grow up.

I'll be honest, my "single life" has been rather banal thus far, and will continue to be so. I certainly haven't been perfect, but I purposely avoid places where douche-bags congregate. (Sorry, but really! Is there a better word to describe them)? No hot tubbing, no clubbin', no chasing the "bad boy" and no parties. Sure, it would make for a fun night, and certainly beats sitting home alone, but then what?

The quality of man I want won't be found at a place like that. The man I want will call it an early night Saturday, because he has early meetings Sunday. Did I mention I've dated a man like that? Yeah. They're out there.

--- Now, for your viewing pleasure ---


Lia said...

Hahahaha!!! Love it!

Stevenson Family said...

Go Natalie! I just saw the picture of the 4 guys in pink shirts with popped collars. It says "Pink Shirt Popped Collar...because douche bags are easier to recognize when they're in uniform". Something to that effect anyway. Get yourself a boy that deserves you this time! I KNOW they're out there. ;)

Kathrin Paul said...

LOL. And I don't just type those three letters for anyone.

Shae said...

nice! well said!

Cass said...

Love this entry! I always felt the same thing when I was single. What a ridiculous way to go through life. I feel bad for them. And relieved I didn't settle for that douche bag from long ago...

Taylor's said...

Okay - this so cracks me up!

You crack me up!

I hope the guy I am thinking of has not turned out to be like this.

Harris said...

hahaha! I love you nat!