
Something worth promoting

Customer Service is dead. In our fast-paced, high-demand world it seems companies search for any way to save a dime and cut a corner, usually at the expense of customer service. Hence, if a company goes above and beyond they certainly deserve recognition for such.

This is me - giving props to a company I'm extremely impressed with.

It's not often I come across a service that is truly life-changing, but I have to say - LDSjournal.com is one of those! I've been using LDSjournal.com for over a year now and I LOVE IT! I've gotten half of my family hooked and they all agree - IT'S THE BEST WAY TO JOURNAL!

I've had a passion for this service, but it wasn't until last week that I also fell in-love with the people behind the service. I had a question, and they replied within the hour. I elaborated, they replied again... within the hour. This occurred two more times before I got an email with a video attached, a quick tutorial they had made JUST FOR ME! As a visual learner I was very grateful, and especially impressed to see them go the extra mile. I told them so and they replied, "We're glad to hear that it helped. ;-) Feel free to tell everyone that we're the "coolest". Have a great evening!!!"

Everyone: www.LDSjournal.com is the coolest.

A few months ago I met the owner of LDSjournal.com and spent a good 45 minutes talking to him, asking questions, making suggestions and picking his brain. As it stands right now, I believe most people (or everyone) behind the company work as volunteers. Funding is low and it's apparent there isn't a huge stream of revenue, as the service is free. This is one free service I NEVER want to lose, so if the best way I can help is to tell all my friends about it, then that's exactly what I'm going to do! Check them out. Sign up. Use it once or twice and if you don't like it, nothing lost, but I can pretty much guarantee you'll love it!

I could be wrong. It might not be for you. Maybe you LIKE writing for an hour, when you could have typed the same thing in 10 minutes. Maybe you LIKE noticing an error and passing it by, because it's not worth all the erasing necessary to correct. Maybe you LIKE half-finished entries, because you ran out of steam near the end. Maybe you LIKE putting off an entry or accumulating blank spaces, because you want your journal in chronological order. Maybe you LIKE forgetting incredible experiences, because you never found the time necessary to write it all out or you didn't have your journal with you (but of course your lap-top was right by your side).

Come-on! Go check 'em out. It's free, it's fast, it's smart. You can print out a book from your writing, you can tag and categorize entries, you can back-date an entry, search by key-word, edit and easily finish entries. If you like to write beautifully - THIS SERVICE IS FOR YOU. If you like to write short and sweet - THIS SERVICE IS FOR YOU. The upside is obvious, and I have yet to find any downside.

PS - You don't get "Spell check" with a hand-written journal ;)


ditndetes said...

That's what I use!!! I love it!

Steve said...

Hi, Natalie. Nick shot me over an email that linked to this post. I'm the art director for LDSJournal and I really appreciated your kind words. Each of us on the LDSJournal project are deeply committed to it. I've personally written every single day since Dec 7, 2007 and use it as my primary journaling tool.

I can tell you that Nick is a really great guy and unlike most business owners he actually loves taking time out to personally respond to LDSJournal members. All of the LDSJournal members are such great people and it truly brings us joy to provide this service.

The journaling service itself is free, but we do make revenue when people order hard-bound copies of their journals, which are pretty awesome and our new GOLD service that will offer more and more advanced journaling solutions.

Thanks again for taking the time to give us some props and keep the suggestions coming; we're listening. Journal on.

Lia said...

Later today, when I've got more time, I'll go check it out. Thanks for the heads up!
Do you know if they offer a service to print your already existing blog into a book?

Steve said...


We are preparing to release an option to import your entire blog into LDSJournal so you can then print it into a book using our system.

Until then, there are other solutions out there that will allow you to print your blog into a book. I would check out Blurb.com and then just Google "blog to book" and see what other options come up.