
13 Miles with a Smile

13.1, actually. I just ran the Salt Lake City 1/2 marathon and have such a sense of accomplishment! I thought I'd only get that from a marathon but I was wrong. I also thought 1/2 marathon would be easy. Wrong again! I was planning on a marathon this year, but in this moment I have a TINY taste of what it would consist of and now I'm not so sure. Who would do that to themselves?!

Ok. I will. (might) Just give me time to recover and get stupid again.

It was so fun to see people from every walk of life: The young and old, thin and not-so-thin, (and the thin-thin-thin), punks and preps, men and women. There were nearly 4400 participants in the 1/2 marathon alone, 2662 of which were women. I came in 1210 place, 469th in women. Amazing? Not really. BUT... My time was 1:55:55 (an 8:51 mile pace), an entire 11 minutes better than my goal! I ran the entire race without stopping once, and I can say I did my best. Therein lies the satisfaction. As I finished up the last mile I kept telling myself over and over, "You'll never regret giving it your all, you'll never regret giving it your all."

I was right.

Those same words have been running through my mind the last 6 months of life. I love Hebrews 12:1 and have it on my fridge: "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us."

I haven't been entirely consistent nor patient in the race set before me, walking at times and probably even lying down once in awhile. I do, however, have a sure knowledge that if I can just press my way to the top of every hill, giving it my all, there is always relief provided in the much-welcomed downhill. I also have the sure knowledge that at the bottom of every down-hill, the uphill starts. Such is life, and life will never change. We either conquer each hill, or each hill conquers us.

Everyday I remind myself that now is the time to run with patience (trusting God) the race that is set before me....for I will never regret giving it my all.

Thank you to my friend, Catherine, for coming over at 5:30 am to watch Gracie while she slept, for breakfast after, and for stopping the car so I could puke 10 minutes later lol.

WHAT A GREAT DAY! I made a friend in the parking garage and we entertained each other the whole way up. A girlfriend. (Don't be ridiculous). Amy. Thanks to her - I got a picture of my first race. I have a feeling there will be many more to come.


Unknown said...

You should run the PF Changs half-marathon down here next January. I ran it two years ago along with 30,000 other people! You think 4400 is a lot, but there's nothing like running with 30,000. it was SO fun!

Natalie said...

I believe it. I didn't use headphones or music and was surprised by how much I enjoyed hearing nothing but the thousands of feet against the pavement. Felt kinda bad for the people that never took the time to hear it - it was magnificent

chelsea said...

You should feel a sense of accomplishment because a half marathon IS an accomplishment! I'm really happy for you, and that you did so well, that's a great time. Plus, you got to enjoy a great race on a beautiful day!

Krissy said...

Yay! Good job! I'm so proud of you! - And I'm totally jealous! I can't wait to start running again! I think it's awesome you ran with no music! That's how I like to run too! ;)

Taylor's said...

You rock! You always have and you always will . . .can't wait to do the tri as a team in August!

And seriously, thanks for letting me come over and watch your angel!

Sarah said...

Wow! Way to go. Maybe that's something I should put on my 20's bucket list!

Lia said...

You look so cute!! Once again, GREAT FRIGGIN' JOB!! I looked and looked for you at the start, but there were so many people.

Laura said...

Fantastic Job! Not only am I impressed that you ran a half marathon, but I'm completely amazed that you did it 11 whole minutes faster than your goal. Wow!

On another note, I loved your post last month about finding what makes you feel happy. I've been thnking about it since and I've found something so simple that makes me ridiculously happy. Flowers on my kitchen table. I love, love, love walking into my kitchen and seeing a pretty vase full of beautiful flowers. It's my new "splurge." I only spend $5-$10 every other week, but it's so worth it.
Thanks for the challenge to find what makes me happy.

Cordie said...

Congrats!!! I told myself after I have this baby I am running a half marathon to get back in shape. The most I have ever run at one time is 3 miles. I hate running!!! Three of my sister in-laws are running a full marathon in a week. I wish I liked running just a tiny bit at least.