
I loveth mine angel

I beseech thee, wilt thou permit me to speaketh my mind? Methinks I am blessed in abundance, with my bairn whom oft lighteth my path, e'en as the glorious midday sun. Wherefore, she doth quench mine anguish and maketh mine heart rejoice. Verily, e'en as I gi' her love, she returneth it o'er 100 fold. Mayhap thou wast privy, but, by your leave, indulge thy cousin, I pray thee. Ne'er hath I been gi'n a greater source o' strength. Methinks there casn't any canker-blossom come betwixt us.

I learned that today was "Talk like Shakespeare Day" and I couldn't resist. Any excuse to talk about my daughter. Hope you had a great "Talk like Shakespeare day" lol. Seriously... who celebrates this stuff? ;)


Texas Boy + SLC Girl said...

Natalie! I LOVED meeting you at the Expo. We were already friends... haha! LOVE your blog and your darling little girl. Thanks for sharing everything with me. You came into my life at the perfect time. Let's get together sometime! XOXO Alicia

Lia said...

Ha ha ha! I think I only saw one person celebrating it. YOU!! Very clever!

Unknown said...

She is truly an angel!