
Hope in the Lord

I've pondered this entry for weeks. Not what to say... but HOW to say it. Life has taken a strange and sudden turn, yet it's something I must share. Surely there are those who might gain strength from my experience.

Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate life.... to step back and remind ourselves of what matters most... to insure we are
building a foundation upon the Rock of our Redeemer. As with anything worth having, this foundation does not come easily and can not be built in a day, yet one will never regret having built it... especially when the tide rises. (And the tide ALWAYS rises). There will come a day when frothy, violent waves crash down upon you. There will come a day when a sinister storm rises against you with a devious smile, laughing while it thrusts you into near darkness - winds screaming in your face and rains thrashing at your heart.
For me.... that day has come.

On Sept 22nd 2009, my wonderful husband of nearly 8 years blindsided me when he told me he no longer loved me and was leaving. I was beyond shocked. I had thought our marriage was perfect, minus the natural adjustments that come with being new parents. I truly led a blessed life, and I acknowledged the Lord daily for that. In fact, according to the world you might say I had it all. Cars, toys, investments, homes, an abundance of free time, and the ability to buy whatever I wanted whenever I wanted (luckily I was frugal and wanted very little). I was certainly grateful for these things... but at the end of the day I knew without a doubt that THINGS didn't matter. "I'm just grateful to have a healthy baby and a husband who loves me. What more could I want?"

The divorce was short. Very short. He had no interest in separation, he just "wanted something different" and was eager to "move on." I went from happily married to divorced in 6 weeks and I quickly became a better person. As I was stretched and extended, I choose to become pliable in the Lords hands, rather than hard and brittle. What ensued was beautiful.

I always imagined a woman in my position must come out torn to shreds and feeling hopeless - embarrassed at the predicament she's been placed in. I was so very wrong. In fact, I've never been more confident. Experience has proven that confidence is an immutable result of
one's thoughts. And so I turned to the Lord, putting the affections of my heart upon him, and he has shown me His tender mercies. I have come out stronger than I ever fathomed I could be, and with no amount of incertitude or reservation all credit is given to Him. He is magnificent. An hour doesn't pass where I am not grateful for the gospel and the "rock" and foundation which it has provided in my life.

As this new chapter in life begins I look forward to the growth and journey that awaits and feel blessed beyond words for the opportunity to someday become sealed to my little Gracie!


Catherine said...

You are a beautiful woman and a beacon to women with hardship. I appreciate your friendship and your attitude.

Shae said...

Natalie, you absolutely amaze me with your strength. I *would* think that someone who has been thrown into such a storm as you have, would come out tattered and torn. I am so glad that you have been able to look at the positive sides to your situation. Sure, you probably have *those* days still, but I am so grateful that you know who you are, and that you let the Lord guide you to where you need to be with all of this. You are such an amazing woman and mother. You come from such a wonderful family, and I'm sure that's one of the reasons you are able to handle all of this as well as you have.

Stevenson Family said...

You are such an amazing woman and mother. Thanks for being such an example of light, love, faith and hope. You will come out on top, i'm sure. Gracie is lucky to have a mom like you.

Amanda said...

I'm so glad that you are doing well and wish nothing but the best for you and your sweet Gracie.

Unknown said...

While reading this, it gave me the chills. I am amazed how well you are doing. You are amazing! You will always be someone to look up to. Take care of that sweet Gracie-girl! She is a cutie! I wish you the best in everything!

doni said...

I love your positive attitude. It is the best way to get through any challenge, but sometimes one of the hardest things to do. BTW, What's up with not inviting me to run with you? No fair!

Barry said...

Brilliantly written...

Carolyn Law said...

Natalie, your story was heart wrenching and you are such a beautiful daughter of God. You know what you need and you are turning to our Heavenly Father and our Savior. You certainly are very smart, and smart to know that you have everything you need for you and your daughter Gracie. She looks like you. She will be amazing like you. You are not alone in this. If you ever swing by Mesquite on your way to Vegas or California, stop by. Cody and his 4 daughters and wife live a few blocks away. Hang on tight! Everyone loves you. Love, Carolyn Law carolynlaw107@hotmail.com