I was sick last week. Very sick. 103 fever, chills, congested, achy body, coughing, vomiting... the whole sha-bang. It never ceases to amaze me, the gratitude that is born out of such circumstances. Can I just say how wonderful it is to have my health back!?! It's one of the many blessings I take for granted daily - but certainly top of my list of "things I would never want to live without." In fact it may be my #1.
And so my body is recovering. I didn't get in any exercise last week because I was lucky to laugh without hacking up a lung, yet alone RUN. My body felt it and last night my legs were screaming for a good workout. This morning I gave it to them.
What is it about running that feels so good? There's something about pushing myself to the limit and then, right when I think I can't go anymore, pushing myself a little more. I just got done with a rewarding 6 mile run and am stretching as I type. Stretching, texting, typing and playing on the floor with Gracie. What can I say - I'm all woman. ;)
And so I find myself pondering just how far I would be willing to "push" myself. Dare I do a marathon? Of course I "dare"... and I have no problem with the endurance, but I hesitate because, simply put, I'm slow. Slow and I know it. I have my sister to compare to. Angie is a born runner. She has great endurance and keeps a 7+mile pace for an entire marathon. Me? Not so much. So maybe I won't be winning any medals. Maybe I won't be breaking any records or even providing a competition for the girl running next to me. But that's ok. I think it's time to do it. I'm in a new place in life. A place where I get to grow, stretch, and push myself beyond every limit I've ever known. It only makes sense to carry that into my physical life.
I'm committing. I will be doing a marathon in 2010. Anyone else up for the challange? When and where I don't yet know, but don't you worry... in a month you'll get a big beautiful list of goals more specific than you anything you ever cared to know about. THE NEW YEAR IS AHEAD AND I'VE ALREADY STARTED MY GOALS!!!
Now I'm off to fill up my water bottle, eat a little oatmeal and enjoy breathing clearly through my nose.
Isn't health is a beautiful thing!