
When compassion comes back to bite ya...

Today I went to pick up Gracie from my x-inlaws. On my way to the side door I was surprised to be greeted by the cutest little mouse I've ever seen. We'll call this mouse Jerry. Jerry was so tiny, I questioned for a moment if he was even real. I quickly realized he was and then I realized how strange it was that I wasn't screaming or looking for a chair to stand on. (Isn't that what I was supposed to do)? He was in the cutest position, sitting on his hind legs with his wee little arms pulled up under his chin. As I looked closer I could see that he was shivering. Only then did I notice the cat. They were no more than a foot apart, just staring at each other. It struck me as so odd.

I realized immediately what was going on and my heart went out to poor little Jerry. I couldn't bear the thought of him being helplessly tossed about, and becoming a cat's favorite new chew toy. I knew at that moment that it was up to me to save him. Sure I could have just shoed the cat away, but that would have been far too easy. Instead, my compassion took over and I instinctively reached down to pick the little guy up, expecting that he would just hop into my hand and I could happily release him in the nearby field (I could already hear Chariots of Fire playing in the background). It now dawns on me that perhaps I've watched a few too many feel-good movies... because I quickly learned that that's not how it works. .... AT ALL!

In a split-second's time I was left startled and confounded as adorable little Jerry betrayed me. How did I not see it coming? He bit my finger and latched on for dear life as my reflexes flung him to the ground. "Little punk!" I yelled. I quickly went in the house, leaving him to fend for himself. That'll teach him.

As I was recounting the story to my x-inlaws I realized just how "smart" I had been... and I have the battle wounds to prove it. I have now asked my family to keep a watchful eye on me, incase I go into convulsions or start foaming at the mouth. What was I thinking?

I was telling a friend the story when he replied, "Women are blinded by compassion sometimes. Much more of a blessing than a curse. Sometimes it does come back to bite you though." Such wit!


Catherine said...

The greatest thing about compassion, is that although it may come back to bite you now, that compassion will come back to serve you when you need it, but perhaps least expect it. I think I would have just kicked the cat.

Natalie said...

lol I think EVERYONE would have just kicked the cat. ... except me. Weird.